Don't spend a dime or waste your time on cap tables tools. You can now create your cap table and scenario modeling with AI. 🚀
“Startup equity is broken.
I take 5-6 product support calls on Tues & Thurs with founders/CFOs who need help with their cap table & fundraising.”
“Can someone please make an AI generated clone of cap table management software? Make it simple, secure and $1000/yr.
There are apparently 40k customers waiting to adopt it rn…”
"OCF killed captable mgt tools already, time to turn a product in web2 into a simple free feature in web3 ;-)"
“Perfect week for someone to build a Unified Captable API product (eg: Carta ↔️ AngelList ↔️ Pulley)”
“ok real talk – who is building the open-source Carta alternative/successor??”
“Expect cap tables to become commoditized at lightning speed!”
"Guys I think I need to Google what a cap table is now."
“Excel sheet is the most used captable management tool rn🤫”
"How hard is it to switch cap table management companies?"
"@FairmintCo is actively working to launch a full-fledged cap table offering based on the open standards described by Alex. It's about time we fully commoditize cap tables 🔥"
“Good example of AI being deflationary: build a cheap AI alt to Carta, wait quietly for Carta to implode, change the industry standard to something that costs 1/100th of the price of Carta!”
“The reason I wanted to churn from Carta
I like the software, but I and my team use it probably 20 times in a year.
And paying it $5K/year based on number of investors seemed like an unfair pricing strategy.”
“Why haven't the captable SaaS companies made it 1-click to share all of the information with VC fund's auditors?
Kind of dumb that I have all this digitally stored and I'm signing a Docusign and manually filling out the same numbers again and again.”
“Cap table management tool: essentially Excel on steroids
Market status: nearing commoditization
Next step: Cap table management as a free feature for all founders
The future: Transparent and of course, onchain..."
“Honestly, building an open source carta sounds badass. The data model is even there….”
“Interesting … [OCF] open source captable data format. If next-gen Carta alternatives standardize on this, we can see a lot less data lock-in and more portability.
Hopefully this can be extended to support more data model adjacencies.”
“'Having (...) data is not an advantage if we can’t use it. And it is a disadvantage if people think we use it.'
Carta exiting secondaries is a great example of data as a liability -- sth
@VitalikButerin has been saying for years. Crypto can solve this.”
"daily reminder as to why trustless/onchain is better — whether it’s cap table management, fundraising, commerce, or pretty much anything"
"Who’s building an open-source captable management platform?
Call it" leverages cutting-edge AI to simplify your equity administration. Subscribe now.